In the present scenario, water is becoming a very scarce commodity and we should take all measures to store and use it religiously. Considering all this, @ VME, we are offering this product.
The sizes of the tanks have been designed keeping in mind the need for erecting the tanks in congested areas and places with very less clearance. These tanks have also been priced in a manner that it is lower than the cost of the conventional tank.
1. Precast concrete tanks are quick to build when compared with a conventional tank & the danger of working in deep pits for longer duration is avoided.
Poor workmanship: There is a huge shortage of quality manpower and it will not be possible to check closely and also difficult to access the place behind the wall, towards the earthen side.
When Concrete dries, the moisture lose from it’s fine pores resulting in shrinkage. Shrinkage is restrained by subgrade or foundation thus develops the internal tensile stresses. Concrete is weak in tension, when the internal tensile stresses exceeds the tensile strength, concrete will crack
Same way, external water is seeping into the tank and contaminating it. As a result, people using this water, fall sick
Roots of trees, plants are penetrating through the cracks and damaging the walls, which cannot be repaired – life of precast tank is more when compared to conventional site made brick/concrete tanks
When a large tank has to be constructed, entire area has to be excavated and lot of protective works have to be done. Whereas in our case, we can go step by step and have a battery of tanks.
When it is battery of tanks, cleaning is also easy. One tank can be shut and others can be used. This is done without stopping the operation. Also low maintenance costs.But in Conventional it is not possible
Apart from the quality checks on raw materials, production and finishing, tanks are scrupulously checked for watertightness before delivery
Suitably designed even for areas with spatial constraints
High Strength
Factory Made
Affordable Price
Chemically Inert
Easy and Quick Installation
Maintenance Free
Environmental Friendly
Easily Relocated
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